Business broadband solutions essex, london and the south east

Internet – Broadband


This is the standard broadband connection, with the broadband carried over a single copper PSTN line. The nature of the line allows broadband to reach you wherever your business is located. We offer 1 FREE static IP address With Unlimited packages available


55% of businesses can now get a fibre broadband product, with this percentage constantly increasing. The standard fibre product is FTTC, or Fibre To The Cabinet. The broadband is carried by fibre optic cabling to the green street cabinet, from there to your premises the broadband is carried using a copper cable. What does this mean for you? This means that you will get download speeds of up to 80mpbs and upload speeds of up to 20mbps with unlimited packages available.


Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP), provides and end-to-end fibre optic connection the full distance from the exchange to the building and can deliver faster speeds than FTTC as there is no copper leg at all.


Ethernet is the Rolls Royce of broadband products. The broadband is carried over fibre optic wires from start to finish and at synchronised speeds. The absence of copper wires means you can effectively choose your speeds from 10mpbs to 10Gb. As the lines are solely dedicated for your broadband usage, the speeds will be cleaner and appear faster with unlimited usage. Lead times are around 60 working days. The SLA for repairs is 6 hours and if you choose the three year contract the installation costs and Cisco router are free.

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